A.V.A.R. (acronym for Associazione Volontari Amici dei Randagi - Volunteers Friends of Strays' Association) is a non-profit volunteering association, born in 1999, with the goal of helping solve/decrease stray cats problem. The association fights to spread the culture of respect towards the animals, so that people won't be allowed to discard them as objects at the first sign of trouble.
After years of commitment and sacrifices, and totally self financed, to build it independently, Gattile Oasi Avar (Cat Shelter Oasis Avar - In Italy "Oasis" is a type of shelter where cats can roam outside, in our case in a completely fenced outdoor area) was inaugurated in 2005. It hosts stray cats (a)waiting for adoption.
Cat Shelter Oasis Avar is the only private structure used exclusively as cat shelter in Brescia. Unfortunately there is not a public one, and our association tries to meet this shortfall, engaging actively to cope with all the help requests we get.
The association has always been self financed, it doesn't get any financial contribution/help from public institutions or organizations, but relies only on offers and material donations from citizens.
All staff are volunteers and operate completely free of charge.